Our responsibility
Compliance with our values and integrity is a key element of our corporate culture at HERMES PHARMA. We are committed to being successful as a company and to meeting our customers’ needs in compliance with all internal and external rules, guidelines and laws.
Only by working together can we ensure comprehensive compliance and detect and prevent unlawful behavior, white-collar crime and corruption. The relationship between our employees and with our business partners is characterized by mutual respect and trust.
With the support of the whistleblower reporting system, we strive to fulfill our responsibility at all times and uncover any unlawful conduct (in accordance with the EU Whistleblower Directive and national legislation) as rapidly as possible. If you have any specific indications that we are violating legal provisions covered by whistleblower protection legislation, we kindly ask you to share this information with us and actively assist in the investigation. This offer is directed to our employees, our customers, suppliers and any other business partners.
HERMES PHARMA’s whistleblower reporting system comprises the following companies:
- HERMES PHARMA Ges.m.b.H, Austria
Please share your concerns with us through our LegalTegrity whistleblower reporting system. Our internal reporting system does not allow for anonymous reporting. Technical security measures ensure the confidentiality of digital communication.
Link to the whistleblower reporting system
What content can be reported?
In accordance with the EU Directive on the protection of persons reporting violations of European Union legislation, care has been taken to ensure that whistleblowers may qualify for special protection when giving information on the following subjects:
- Public procurement
- Financial services and prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing
- Product safety
- Road safety
- Environmental protection
- Nuclear safety and radiation protection
- Food and feed safety, animal health and welfare
- Public health
- Consumer protection
- Protection of privacy and personal data, and security of network and information systems
- Internal market rules concerning corporate income tax
- Competition. antitrust and state-aid legislation
- Prevention and punishment of criminal offenses pursuant to Sections 302 to 309 of the Austrian Criminal Code (criminal violations of official duty, corruption and related criminal offenses, such as active and passive corruption, granting and accepting of advantages, acceptance of gifts)
Please note that “whistleblowing” in the sense of whistleblower protection is not to be understood as denunciation but is intended to prevent white-collar crime. Reporting poor work performance, lateness of colleagues or similar does not fall under this category. Please address any such reports to your supervisor in the future.
Who can submit a tip?
The whistleblower reporting system is aimed at all persons who have a business relationship with HERMES PHARMA. This includes, in particular, employees and business partners.
Whistleblowers who, on the basis of average general knowledge (without legal knowledge), reasonably assume that the report they have submitted is true and falls within the scope of the statutory protection of whistleblowers are expressly protected by law against discrimination or any other reprisals under employment law. What is generally referred to as retaliatory measures, such as dismissal, transfer, mobbing, discrimination, are therefore prohibited after a justified report has been submitted.
Please note that you are not protected by law if the information you report is obviously false or concerns areas of legislation not mentioned above. Knowingly making false reports may result in liability for damages and/or criminal prosecution.
What channels can I use for submitting tips?
You can submit tips through our whistleblower reporting system provided by LegalTegrity. This system is available via the following link:
Information can only be provided to the internal reporting office if the identity of the person submitting the report is disclosed. Technical security measures ensure the confidentiality of digital communication.
In addition to our internal reporting system, it is also possible to submit reports to external reporting bodies, such as the Federal Office for the Prevention of and Fight against Corruption (Bundesamt für Korruptionsprävention und Korruptionsbekämpfung) in Austria or the Federal Office of Justice (Bundesamt für Justiz) in Germany.
How do I submit a tip?
Use must be made of the reporting form provided for submitting a tip. Incoming tips or reports are recorded and processed by the internal reporting office set up in our company. The internal reporting office consists of specially trained persons who are not bound by directives and who must act impartially and without bias when processing reports.
The internal reporting office can be reached by employees via the whistleblower reporting system of LegalTegrity.
As required by law, our internal reporting office is subject to strict confidentiality and non-disclosure obligations with regard to the matters reported. Only employees of the internal reporting office can access the data you have reported.
If you wish to amend or correct your report, you may do so at any time through LegalTregrity’s whistleblower reporting system.
How do I get feedback?
The primary goal of the reporting system is to protect whistleblowers.
The internal reporting office will acknowledge receipt of your report or your addition or correction thereto in writing within seven days and may request further information from you.
No later than three months after receiving your tip or report, the internal reporting office will announce what follow-up action the office has taken or intends to take, or the reasons for not following up on your tip.