The Advantages of Alternative Dosage Forms

While solid dosage forms such as tablets or capsules have been the go-to option for many years, recent data show that a substantial number of people have difficulty swallowing them. This can lead to poor compliance in many cases. How can Pharma combat this problem?

When it comes to delivering medicines or food/dietary supplements via the oral route, conventional solid dosage forms, such as tablets or capsules, are the most common approach as they are generally regarded as both the most practical and cost-efficient solution. However, a recent survey has revealed that this default mode of delivery is not optimal for more than half of the population. Commissioned by HERMES PHARMA and conducted by the market research company SPIEGEL INSTITUT Mannheim, the survey highlighted that a substantial number of people have a range of difficulties associated with swallowing tablets or capsules. Querying a thousand people in the US, and another thousand in Germany, the survey explored the acceptance of conventional dosage forms such as tablets and capsules as well as alternative forms including effervescent and chewable tablets, lozenges, orally disintegrating granules (ODGs) and instant drinks.

Download the article The Advantages of Alternative Dosage Forms published in Tablets & Capsules, September 2015, Vol 13 No 6
