User-friendly Medicines

The conditions of dosing may influence efficacy: for example, should the active pharmaceutical ingredient be taken with food and with water? For certain patients mobility, motor and cognitive function may be an issue and user-friendliness of the medicine a concern for both patient and carer. The concept of user-friendliness is interesting. It directs the public attention to the benefits of appropriate functionality and ergonomics in maximizing convenience and breadth of use. We have embraced this concept in electronics and household goods; now we have the opportunity to apply similar principles to the needs of those having the burden of illness and dependence on others…
The chapter (13, pp. 343-385) is part of the book “Pharmaceutical Formulation – The Science & Technology of Dosage Forms” by Geoffrey D. Tovey, published by the Royal Society of Chemistry, ISBN-10: 1849739412. To read more, please request a copy of the chapter by contacting Dr Martin Koeberle via our contact form
