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Dosage Forms: It’s Time to Listen to Consumers
Millions of people use solid tablets and capsules every day to treat any number of ailments or to supplement their dietary or health requirements. Regarded as the most practical and costefficient method of drug delivery, it’s no surprise they have become so widespread.However, a recent …
Difficulties swallowing tablets and capsules are wide-spread …
People of all ages and gender have difficulties swallowing tablets and capsules. In fact it is a widespread problem which over half of Americans and German experience, a HERMES PHARMA survey has revealed. Conventional tablets and capsules are often too big to swallow and get …
Bittere Pillen – Nein Danke
Tabletten schlucken ist nicht jedermanns Sache. Viele Arzneimittel sind oral einzunehmen, da dies als der günstigste, einfachste und sicherste Weg für die Selbstmedikation gilt. Konventionelle, feste orale Darreichungsformen haben jedoch ihre Nachteile: Eine aktuelle Studie belegt, dass über 50 % der Befragten in den USA …
QbD in excipient collection for user-friendly dosage forms
With excipients being crucial for the formulation and performance of a medicine, it is vital that they are carefully selected. Adopting a systematic, QbD approach for excipient selection ultimately leads to better products. It also helps enable more efficient and effective formulation and development processes.In …
HERMES PHARMA privilégie les formes orales
Sondage à l’appui, Hermes Pharma apporte la preuve que pour améliorer l’observance des traitements oraux, il faut faciliter la prise des médicaments. D’où sa spécialisation sur les formes effervescentes, à croquer et à sucer, produites notamment dans son usine allemande de Wolfratshausen.This article was published …
Making a Difference – Quality by Design (QbD)
With pharma often reluctant to make use of innovation when it comes to manufacturing, it is necessary to implement regulatory policies to encourage industry-wide adoption of novel technology. Using a Quality by Design approach can provide an answer, resulting in lower costs and shorter project …
The problem with Pills – Why conventional dosage forms don’t meet modern consumer needs
Millions of people around the world take tablets and capsules every day, but recent data suggests that a substantial proportion find them difficult to swallow and inconvenient to take. What is it about tablets and capsules that cause some people to abstain from taking their …
Innovative Excipients in Solid-Dosage Manufacturing
Oral formulations, which form the largest category of pharmaceutical dosage forms, tend to require more excipients than other preparations. As a result, trends in oral solid dosage forms have a significant impact on excipient demand. The article looks at key considerations in selecting excipients during …
Effervescent evolution: New technologies and method revitalize a time-tested dosage form
HERMES PHARMA’s new patent optimizes effervescent tablet manufacture, addressing consumer demand for ease of swallowing, choice and convenience.The pharmaceutical industry faces a significant challenge: over 50% of people struggle to swallow conventional tablets and capsules. This difficulty, combined with shifting consumer and patient preferences towards …